Diablo 2 Smoke Runeword
Image: Yinut What are runewords?Some items in Diablo II are socketed items, which means that one can insert runes into them. They can also be identified by having a grey name. When runes are placed into these socketed items in a specific combination, the item will get a stats bonus from each individual rune along with an extra boost on top of that. This special order of runes is known as a runeword.
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Once you successfully make a runeword, you’ll be able to tell when you hover over the image in your inventory.Blizzard created Runewords for the Lord of Destruction expansion pack and therefore can’t be created in the classic Diablo II. They introduced the most powerful runewords with Patch 1.10 so you must be patched to at least this version.There are 73 runewords in total.
How to get your own torch:First, you must get 3 sets of keys. You get thesekeys, (called terror key, hell key, and destructionkey), from 3 certain mini-bosses in hell mode.These keys randomly drop off of The countess inact1, The Summoner in act2, and Nihlathak in act5.Once you have killed these 3 mini-bosses enoughtimes to receive 3 sets of keys, (that means 3tkeys, 3 hkeys, and 3 dkeys. ), you ready for thenext step: Now you must travel to act 5 of hellmode and transmute the keys. Put one set of keysin the Horadric cube and hit transmute. A redportal will appear (much like the cow level), thered portal will either say 'The Matron Den', 'TheHell Furnace', or 'The Forgotten Sands'.
You musttravel through this red portal to get to the uberboss within each portal. In 'The Hell Furnace',you will face off against Uber Izual. A Torch is a item that you put in yourinventory, and it gives you 3 skills up for what-ever your class is. And how to get them is thehard part, heres the first compromise, Tradepeople for them, but you need really good stuffto trade them for. And the second compromise isyou need to get the Lord of Destruction Key, theTerror Key, and the Hatred Key, and you put themin your cube and then it forms a portal, andthen you have to fight bosses. I dont know whatthe bosses are because i never did it before butmy friend on Battle.
And so afteryo beat the bosses a torch will fall out, a hellfire torch and then you put it in your inventoryand then what your class is, is what 3 skillsare going up! So its a really good chance. Butthe problem is you cant get it again. And youcant get TWO TORCHES FOR THE SAME CLASS!! And ifyou quit out of the game you will never get theopportunity to make another one again! So youbetter do it in that game and do not quit it!GOOD LUCK! Ya know that you can only do 8 quick spellselect keys.
And to select them from F1-F8,right. To get more, press Esc, and go intooptions, then go the control settings. As youscroll down, you'll see the selected keys forthe spells you would want to get to quickly. Asyou scroll down more, you start to see that youcan pick up to 16 different spells to select.So, since the F keys only go up to F12, I onlydid up to 12 spells to select. If you want tochoose different keys to do up to 16 spells, goahead.
Diablo 2 Hidden Runewords
While dueling with a barb, use yells as normal.Go back and talk to akara. Next go out to thedueling spot. Instead of bezerk, the move ushould be using to kill most enemys, usewhirlwind,it is way easier to hit someone with.now wait for someone to come to u unless uredueling a foh pali or a zon.
Diablo 2 Runeword Weapons
On those types youhave to be aggressive and charge at them. Putitems that give you speed when facing them. Whenwhirlwinding, dont click on them but close tothem. If u click on them you will keepwhirlwinding them untill you run out of mana.Try to hit your enemy with the tip of your weponbecause thats where it does the most damage.Barbs are hard to duel with at first because theyhave no long range attacks but in my opinion theyare the best duelers in the hands of experts. This is a useful trick with the assasin.
When yourun into a large group of monsters use cloak ofshadows. Then lay as many traps as you can rightin the midst of the monsters.
Before the cloak ofshadow runs out most of the monsters will be dead.Note: This is much better if you of a shadowwarrior. The shadow warrior will launch/hrow herown traps too. This will not work with the shadowmaster because masters can use any skill. Themaster will probably just run up and starthitting the monsters instead of doing traps.