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Parts Of A Document

Sometimes there will not be a Judicial Council form for what you need to do. In that case, you will need to draft or create your own legal document, in the right format and following the court's rules. The California Rules of Court, starting with rule 2.100, tell you what is required for any documents you file with the court. Elements are the component parts of a document, all the pieces which make up the whole. Almost everyone who reads books, newspapers, magazines, reports, articles, and other classes of documents will be familiar with the popular structure of chapters, sections, subsections, subsubsections.

  1. Parts Of A Strategy Document
  2. Parts Of A Document In Transactional Writing

6 Some basic terms6 Some basic terms6 Some basic termsHere are the parts of a URL considered more closely.Note: it's not essential to remember everything you'll find in thischapter. Just read it through so that you'll know where to find the informationif it's needed.In Chapter 3 ' Web page and website'there appeared the following URL:study more closely what the parts of this string indicate.The parts of the URL:http Protocol used in the communication between the browser and the webserver.' Protocol' isa set of rules a browser and a web server use to communicate with andunderstand each other.: Colon simply separates the protocol from the other part of the web address.// Indicates that a contact to aserver is to be achieved. (For example, when sending email the notation'mailto.' , without slashes, could be used). Note thatthis doesn't mean a connectionbetween a browser and server.

When a browser has sent a request, there is no connection between the browser and theserver. (You can read more about.)www Name ofa server listening to messages using the http protocol.Note that this name is not always shown in the URL in the Location Box. And thename can be something other than ' www' Name of the domain where the web server belongs.Domain is like an address by which you can get to some specific 'area' on theNet. For example, the domain name ''is registered to The New York Public Library andthere are probably several server programs in that domain each dedicated todifferent tasks.www.nypl.orgThis part ofthe URL is actually the name of theweb server seen over the Internet. In other words, it's the server thathosts the web site of The New York Public Library. By using it the request a browser sends can bedirected to the right web server.You may wonderhow a request can be directed to the right server if the name is not shown inthe URL.

In fact, the sequence is such that a request is first directed to thedomain and then in the domain the right server is found. In the domain an httprequest goes to the server that is listening to messages using the httpprotocol./ Indicates the root folderof the folder system hosted bythe web server Indicates a folder in the root folder.index.html The name ofthe document file requested.Note that though there is a URL seen on the Location Box, the browserdoesn't have a direct connection to afolder and a document file there on the disk of the server machine. It isalways the web server that fetchesthe document and sends it to thebrowser. So nothing can be 'disturbed' on a web server by using a browser.In folders hosted by a web server there is usually a file which isreturned in case only the name of the folder is given. (For example, you cantry what happens when you type ''on the Location Box and press Enter.)This specific default page can be named in several ways: index.htm Index.htm index.html Index.html default.html default.asp etc.However, thename doesn't make a difference; a default page is shown if no other file ismentioned after the name of a folder.You can study these things yourself bytrying different URLs.


Parts Of A Strategy Document


Parts Of A Document In Transactional Writing


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